Module manage
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Source Code for Module manage

  1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
  3  import argparse 
  4  import os 
  5  import subprocess 
  7  import flask 
  8  from flask.ext.script import Manager, Command, Option, Group 
 10  from coprs import app 
 11  from coprs import db 
 12  from coprs import exceptions 
 13  from coprs import models 
 14  from coprs.logic import coprs_logic 
16 -class TestCommand(Command):
17 - def run(self, test_args):
18 os.environ['COPRS_ENVIRON_UNITTEST'] = '1' 19 os.environ['COPR_CONFIG'] = '/etc/copr/copr_unit_test.conf' 20 os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = '.' 21['py.test'] + (test_args or []))
22 23 option_list = ( 24 Option('-a', 25 dest='test_args', 26 nargs=argparse.REMAINDER), 27 )
29 -class CreateSqliteFileCommand(Command):
30 'Create the sqlite DB file (not the tables). Used for alembic, "create_db" does this automatically.'
31 - def run(self):
32 if flask.current_app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'].startswith('sqlite'): 33 # strip sqlite:/// 34 datadir_name = os.path.dirname(flask.current_app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'][10:]) 35 if not os.path.exists(datadir_name): 36 os.makedirs(datadir_name)
38 -class CreateDBCommand(Command):
39 'Create the DB scheme'
40 - def run(self, alembic_ini=None):
41 CreateSqliteFileCommand().run() 42 db.create_all() 43 44 # load the Alembic configuration and generate the 45 # version table, "stamping" it with the most recent rev: 46 from alembic.config import Config 47 from alembic import command 48 alembic_cfg = Config(alembic_ini) 49 command.stamp(alembic_cfg, "head")
50 51 option_list = ( 52 Option('--alembic', 53 '-f', 54 dest='alembic_ini', 55 help='Path to the alembic configuration file (alembic.ini)', 56 required=True), 57 )
59 -class DropDBCommand(Command):
60 'Delete DB'
61 - def run(self):
62 db.drop_all()
64 -class ChrootCommand(Command):
65 - def print_invalid_format(self, chroot_name):
66 print '{0} - invalid chroot format, must be "{release}-{version}-{arch}".'.format(chroot_name)
68 - def print_already_exists(self, chroot_name):
69 print '{0} - already exists.'.format(chroot_name)
71 - def print_doesnt_exist(self, chroot_name):
72 print '{0} - chroot doesn\'t exist.'.format(chroot_name)
73 74 75 option_list = ( 76 Option('chroot_names', 77 help='Chroot name, e.g. fedora-18-x86_64.', 78 nargs='+'), 79 )
81 -class CreateChrootCommand(ChrootCommand):
82 'Creates a mock chroot in DB'
83 - def run(self, chroot_names):
93 -class AlterChrootCommand(ChrootCommand):
94 'Activates or deactivates a chroot'
95 - def run(self, chroot_names, action):
96 activate = (action == 'activate') 97 for chroot_name in chroot_names: 98 try: 99 coprs_logic.MockChrootsLogic.edit_by_name(None, chroot_name, activate) 100 db.session.commit() 101 except exceptions.MalformedArgumentException: 102 self.print_invalid_format(chroot_name) 103 except exceptions.NotFoundException: 104 self.print_doesnt_exist(chroot_name)
105 106 option_list = ChrootCommand.option_list + ( 107 Option('--action', 108 '-a', 109 dest='action', 110 help='Action to take - currently activate or deactivate', 111 choices=['activate', 'deactivate'], 112 required=True), 113 )
115 -class DropChrootCommand(ChrootCommand):
116 'Activates or deactivates a chroot'
117 - def run(self, chroot_names):
127 -class DisplayChrootsCommand(Command):
128 'Displays current mock chroots'
129 - def run(self, active_only):
130 for ch in coprs_logic.MockChrootsLogic.get_multiple(None, active_only=active_only).all(): 131 print ch.chroot_name
132 133 option_list = ( 134 Option('--active-only', 135 '-a', 136 dest='active_only', 137 help='Display only active chroots', 138 required=False, 139 action='store_true', 140 default=False), 141 )
143 -class AlterUserCommand(Command):
144 - def run(self, name, **kwargs):
145 user = models.User.query.filter(models.User.openid_name==models.User.openidize_name(name)).first() 146 if not user: 147 print 'No user named {0}.'.format(name) 148 return 149 150 if kwargs['admin']: 151 user.admin = True 152 if kwargs['no_admin']: 153 user.admin = False 154 if kwargs['proven']: 155 user.proven = True 156 if kwargs['no_proven']: 157 user.proven = False 158 159 db.session.commit()
160 161 option_list = ( 162 Option('name'), 163 Group( 164 Option('--admin', 165 action='store_true'), 166 Option('--no-admin', 167 action='store_true'), 168 exclusive=True 169 ), 170 Group( 171 Option('--proven', 172 action='store_true'), 173 Option('--no-proven', 174 action='store_true'), 175 exclusive=True 176 ) 177 )
178 179 manager = Manager(app) 180 manager.add_command('test', TestCommand()) 181 manager.add_command('create_sqlite_file', CreateSqliteFileCommand()) 182 manager.add_command('create_db', CreateDBCommand()) 183 manager.add_command('drop_db', DropDBCommand()) 184 manager.add_command('create_chroot', CreateChrootCommand()) 185 manager.add_command('alter_chroot', AlterChrootCommand()) 186 manager.add_command('display_chroots', DisplayChrootsCommand()) 187 manager.add_command('drop_chroot', DropChrootCommand()) 188 manager.add_command('alter_user', AlterUserCommand()) 189 190 if __name__ == '__main__': 191 192