Situation today
- Package Review
- and wait...
- oldest is 4 years old (used to be 9 yrs)
- 120 needs sponsor
- 1254 package reviews
Sponsors (stats.)
- 135 Sponsors
- 80 no visible activity in past year (neither BZ activity and no one sposored)
- 55 sponsors remaining
How sponsors worked (in past year)
- just 12 sponsors worked on BZs
- 49 sponsors sponsored 142 sponsoree
Sponsoree pull out
- wait months/years
- are you still interrested in
- no reaction
- review closed
Sponsoree does not react
- True
- 12 months avg. (28 months max.) - on limited sample
Sponsors does not react
- True too
- 26 months avg. (46 months max.) - on limited sample
Red Hat focused?
- former RH vice president - 4 yrs waiting
- 21 vs. 19 others
- 3 of those 19 are likely RH
- 4 from Intel
How Debian do that?
- Debian Maintainer - can upload without sponsor
- Debian Developer - can do anything (1000+)
Debian Maintainer
- GPG key signed by 1+ DebianDeveloper
- agree to social contract and policies
- find advocate (fuzzy defined)
More sponsors?
- Maintain 3+ packages.
- Have done 5 high quality, nontrivial package reviews.
- Have been members of the packager group for at least one release cycle.
More sponsors?
- People are not intereested in
- Why waste time on newbies, when Package review queue is long anyway.
- Request maintenance in Copr for several months first?
Fedora QA?
- Run fedora-review automatically?
Higlight waiting BZs
- Prioritize BZs where reporters comment is last.
IETF SecDir approach
- Assign review
- Set deadline
- Remove non-responsive sponsor from circulation temporary
Or just easy step in
- reset assignee to nobody after some period
- Works good for already existing community.
- Problems with documentation.
- Sponsors for real newbies, who does not know anyone in Fedora.
- Continuous education (Fedora classrooms)?
The End
- #buildsys,